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Protest In Memory of Michael Brown

John 5:30 - I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
I take no side in the Michael Brown case. All I know that in this world there are still mistakes, defenses, racism, sexism, violence and more importantly a people who dont beleive that their government is just. Here are a few photos I took while at the protest here in Asheville, North Carolina. Luckily, nothing got out of hand. These photos show sad and confused people. Not only do the include people of the black community but most of the protest were white people. This not only shows that no only do black people care about this case but white people do too. Also, I thought that maybe even some black people didnt show up to the protest because of being scared of if something bad did happen and a riot broke out that they would be blamed. I could feel the overwhelming presence of everyone there standing for what they beleive while on the outside, the Police, and News stood, watching, reporting and doing their jobs. 
Protest In Memory of Michael Brown

Protest In Memory of Michael Brown

Photos cant even come close to exemplify the sorrow and hatred in some of these people's hearts. Here are some photos documenting the protest in Read More
