I normally dislike projects on Behance regarding the development of personal identities. Nevertheless, a lot of people – amongst friends and complete strangers – asked me what was the creative process behind the CGNB Monogram, and how the concept came to the paper in the first place. I felt like there could be indeed some beautiful things to show, and also that they deserved to know.
I wanted to create a new identity for CARGONEBLINA for a while now.
It had to be something strong, meaningful. Specially crafted for me, by me.
The CGNB abbreviation was already being used occasionally, so I though it would be a great starting point.
Interlaced patterns and Celtic Knots were a great inspiration source, altough applied in a simplified manner.
It started off, naturally, with the sketching.
The vectoring process utilises the original sketch as a basis, for designing a symmetrically perfect monogram. This could not be achieved otherwise without any guides or templates whatsoever on the drawing phase, as it indeed was.
Many hours of work and adjustments to the main shapes. At this point I opted for not merging any stems at all, as planned before, and play with shadows later instead.
After finishing it up, the shadow effects were added. This is the final version, although for silk-screening for example, and other smaller applications such as stamping, the 1-color version might be used.
Now, who doesn't love GIF's? (:


CGNB. The Monogram. Please find the description on the top of the Project.
