Maui Safe Catch is a allience with Sealord to inform consumers about the Maui Dolphin and how they can prevent its extinction through the use of transmedia.

Social Issue
The Maui Dolphin is the rarest and smallest marine dolphin in the world,with only 55 remaining. 5 Dolphins are killedin set nets per year in there habitat as it is not a sanctuary. New Zealand will become the first country to oversee the extinction of a marine mammal due to human causes. Government is refusing to create a sanctuary in the Maui Dolphin habitat and is ignoring current petition. The only way to save the Maui Dolphin is to motivate New Zelanders. 
Visual Stategy 
A Friendly and approachable visual aesthetic which rewards consumers for helping the Maui Dolphins while still informing them about the dolphin and the issue creating a conscious and informed fish consumer. This will be offset with the medium that creates a sense of urgency about the issue motivating the consumer to react now.
Using a ocean colour palette that is relatable to the Dolphin and creates a Bold image that is easily recognisable
for consumers in the supermarkets and when they see the campaign. Creating a warm and teaching tone of voice. Stylized imagery of the dolphin and its key features. This will empower, rather than condemn. 

Maui Safe Catch

Maui Safe Catch

Transmedia design to raise awareness over the endangerment of New Zealand's native Maui Dolphin.
