I am available for hire for both commercial photography (food, portraiture, etc...) and Photoshop/photography education. Please send me an email at will@willmilne.com for rates and prices. 
I am one of eight Adobe Certified Instructors in Texas with my ACE (Adobe Certified Expert) in Adobe Photoshop CC (you can check find me on the Adobe Partner Finder by clicking here). While my main gig is teaching "Commercial Photography" to Denton ISD high school juniors and seniors, I am available to work with institutions, groups or individuals looking to better their Adobe or photography skills or learning materials. 
When the school year is not in session, I often teach adult classes. Please contact me for more information on setting up a class session, curriculum consultation, or tutoring. 
Below are several examples of images created by students in my Commercial Photography class at the Advanced Technology Complex in Denton, TX. You can go to our class website to learn more.
Spooky photo by Lex Holland
Class production of an advertisement for Mentor Denton. 
Light painting example by Nico Pershin. 
By Anna Adami. 
By Cynthia Pantaleon
Product shot by Lil Rebs McFarland. 
More information about certification in Adobe products can be found here.


Information about my Education specialties.


Creative Fields