Orlando Arocena's profile


Logo created by Adobe creative + friend Cindy Yep
I was invited by Adobe to travel to Los Angeles and help generate awareness of their AdobeMAX 2014 Creative conference Oct 6-8th. I knew that the invitation as an Official "Max Insider " was an opportunity of a life time, little did I know it would have such a profound effect on me. ( more about that later).
So, my mother has always encouraged me to
"never visit friends  empty handed"...
So  a day before jumping on the plane to head to the West Coast ( me? I'm from the East Coast) - I wanted to bring an "unsolicited" gift- ( meaning - I created this on my own with out a formal request) that would capture the Energy + the "Hollywood- Vibe" + the Magic + Pride that I was already foreseeing Adobe Max to be, plus I also wanted to do a Pop- Vector parody / gig poster tying everything about the experience of Max....
I had my "mental sketch" - ( I don't draw thumbnails, especially when I'm fueled with excitement- I want that spontaneity and creative rawness to motivate the vector) and gathered up my visual references to DRAW from with my Wacom tablet.
I posted these snapshots in 30min to 1hr intervals on my facebook page- thank you all who chimed in that night and gave support!
Apple Imac + Adobe Illustrator CC + Wacom Intuos 4
I had to stop the FB show
with this image snap shot below, ONLY because I didn't want to reveal the whole vector just yet, I mean really, this creation was intended to be a surprise from me to adobe and all of you out there...I had to keep it a mystery and throw some of you off my trail.....Honestly thank you all again - especially those who were REALLY looking forward to a whole Wizard of OZ vector tribute...(LOL :) )
I then proceeded to continue with the visual pop parody ... of combining  iconic elements...
For all of you unfamiliar with these weird looking lines (^^^^above^^^^) , they're actually "linear gradients"...
Macro shot of the face- I didn't want the tattoos to come across being a negative representation or better yet "too thug nor gangster" in actually its me having more fun bringing in elements / tools that are synonymous with the 3 adobe platforms that I play with ( indesign, photoshop & Illustrator)  + the "eye-dropper" instead of a "tear drop" , made me chuckle...
AND then...
I finished it and then texted the image to my friend at adobe and mentioned that I was leaving on the plane in 3 hrs and that I was bringing some signed prints ( as a digital artist I saved up and have a giclée printer- " all part of the tools" being a vector artist)... his response?... Well let just say he was amazed and demanded that I bring them....Little did he know I was also Packing a 1/1 version on Foil.....muhahahahaahah!
Get to L.A. and meet up with my group of MAXInsiders- awesome bunch and a very diverse group of creatives!
Opening key note this was my seat for all the adobe magic that was to unfold and turn me back into a silly - eyes wide as saucers- hands clapping til they bled- captivated creative child.... :)
ahahah  and soon after I made a new friend and said thank you for the invite and the commission for the Adobe Illustrator cc 2014 splash page...( The coolest CEO (adobe), Shantanu Narayen)
But lets get back to MAX. so much encouragement and support on all levels...whether from new apps that will help your creativity to shared experiences from some of the best out there.
wise words of wisdom from Adobe and my buddy David Wadhani ( senior vice president and general manager of the Digital Media) who I first met at the June NYC Keynote and unveiling of the Creative Cloud Mural.
If you missed out on watching the actual keynote- you can watch it here.
and then on the second day, my friend Lee Hirsch - Documentary film maker- gets up on stage and not only touches every soul but also gives us a "wake up call" to realize and check ourselves with his Bully Project- What's the Bully Project? Visit the website and also check out this trailer
I quickly join in and started tweeting and Fb'ing to help spread the word ...
Ann Lewnes (Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Adobe) comes out on stage and joins Lee in announcing the opportunity for EVERY creative out there to help support  and contribute with the BULLY PROJECT MURAL (< click for more info)
Before we all took off for the AdobeMAX Bash- where the Band Kings Of Leon were going to play.
plus also got a chance to meet the band....
- BUT before any band photo shoots- there was the need to share with Lee...
So we met up before the bash  and I introduced Lee to my Vector - and wanted him to personally know that because of him and the Bully Project - My "AdobeMax- Kings of Leon - gig poster" was no longer just that, it had transformed into something more. 
It's true spirit was revealed and titled "AdobeMAX Brave Leon". I had to explain that personally for me,
my vector was NOW about 
" the cowardly lion who had found his courage at adobemax, thanks to the Bully Project ".

The foil print was then signed by Kings Of Leon ( I gave them a signed non-foil version to keep) before taking the stage at MAX and is now in route to Lee Hirsch to help benefit the Bully Project.
Thank you everyone at Adobe, Lee Hirsch and all the many Friends that I have now included within my circle.
Cheers & good luck in all that you do~
UPDATED 11-18-2014 - Adobe Creative Cloud Feature
(click here to Read the full review)
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My vector pop art tribute to AdobeMax- Kings of Leon-the Bully Project. Join against Bullying- contribute your story or artwork to the Bully Proj Read More
