celine tangalin's profile

Middle School Music Program

Challenge: Newly hired music directors initiated creation of an identity for Whitman Middle School Music to reinvigorate the program. The objectives were to build unity among participants, increase student enrollment, engage parent support, and fund raise.
Solution: To raise visibility and stimulate event concession sales — the programs largest revenue generator event posters were designed and hung inside the building to increase annual seasonal concert attendance. T-shirts were produced to promote the program, inspire camaraderie between band and string students, provide casual performance attire, and raise money. To formally recognize financial support a personalized thank you card was created that the directors hand signed and mailed to donors. To maximize budget posters were reproduced on a black and white photocopier.
Outcome: The directors and students loved the new identity, student program enrollment increased, a parent boosters club was formed, and money was raised to support the program.
Deliverables: Identity, Posters, T-shirts, and Collateral
Challenge: Academics, citizenship and effort (ACE) are the band programs core values. The director wanted to develop a poster that would support the daily ACE verbal messaging to increase student awareness. The graphic would hang in the band room that was populated with precariously posted handwritten and computer generated signs with ACE reminders.
Solution: The ACE acronym was infused into a musical framework, output at 36” x 44”, and placed in a prominent location at the front of the room. The reminder signage was redesigned to be more cohesive and pictograms were added for impact.
Outcome: The director and students embraced the new poster and signs resulting in an increase of the student’s understanding of classroom expectations.
Deliverables: Large format output, printed and laminated signs, and installation
Middle School Music Program