Communication Internship and Design Volunteer
The mission of the YWCA is to eliminate racism and empower women. As a Communication Intern, I worked on marketing strategies and designed promotional materials for various YWCA events. Projects include a save the date for the Diabesity Fair, a health fair fighting the devasting effects of diabetes and obesity in the Coastal Bend; posters and tickets for the Wine & Dine, a social event for YWCA supporters; the Racial Justice Contest, which promotes diversity and equality; the YWomen In Careers Award nomination form, which honors women in the Coastal Bend who to live the YWCA mission in their jobs and community, and the 2011 YWCA Annual Report.
     Diabesity Vendor Save the Date Postcard: Front
    Diabesity Vendor Save the Date Postcard: Back


While the YWCA's mission is to eliminate racism and empower women, they also offer programs that help the general community through young women a Read More
