We were given the task of creating a product that would retail for 50$ or less. We were challenged with learning about the costs involved in producing a product for that price, as we would be giving them to vancouver Special for 30$ or less to allow for retail mark-up. We needed to consider our time spent, as well as materials, and any other costs involved with the production, and ensure we were still able to make the profit worthwhile.
After our initial research we began sketching and developing our ideas. We didn’t want to restrict ourselves to any single idea or product at this time, so we tried to have a broad range of ideas to choose from.
First critic we went in with as many prototypes as we could, they varied from simple sketches to more complete prototypes.
After many failed attempts with the paper, we decided to try other materials, and thought that fabric would be an excellent option as it would hopefully offer stability as well as strength. We tried a variety of fabrics at first, cottons, stretch fabrics, and synthetics, but ultimately decided on using a very thin cotton canvas, as it was thin enough to still allow light through, and strong enough to maintain the shape we needed.


New lighting with veneer and fabric.
