For Kozi's burgers, I had the opportunity to work with two other very creative chaps.
We wanted to think of a nice campaign that helps a burger restaurant sell more burgers. We chose Kozi's burgers, an African burger restaurant as a starting point. For this project, we designed a fully responsive website, a nice and colorful IOS app and a short info graphic that explains the concept a little bit more.
The app helped you to create and submit your own, new burger into the burger gallery on the website. People could vote for a burger from their choice and the most voted burger became a fact. People could create their burger with the help of some personal input they gave via the IOS app. Also the burgers possessed some legal African meat, like Ostrich, Crocodile and Kudu.
Nicolas Jaenen was responsible for the IOS programming, Lucas Debrock worked on the info graphic (as seen below) and helped me a little bit with the design and I made most of the design for the app and website. Also I was responsible for the coding of the website.
Kozi's burgers

Kozi's burgers

For Kozi's burgers, I had the opportunity to work with two other very creative chaps. We wanted to think of a nice campaign that helps a burger r Read More
