Kilbehenny Co. Limerick Ireland
Every city has a hinterland and Limerick’s hinterland is a rich tapestry of small towns, villages and rural communities, each with their own cultural identity that is fiercely rooted in their surroundings and heritage. At first glance, these towns may appear dormant or inert, but a deeper examination will reveal the diverse community groups and organisations within. Walking festivals, fleadh cheoil, GAA matches and local historical societies all contribute to the vibrant culture of Limerick’s small towns.
“Small Town Studio”  is creates a studio in rural Limerick, where architects, architecture students and artists are invited to collaborate with a local community group to participate in an 8 week design/build project. In Kilbehenny the design proceeded in consultation with the community, assessing local needs and complementing and nourishing the spirit of the town/village. This integrated process, ensured a design that responded to the unique character and existing tradition and culture of the community. It was our wish to create a design that would resonate with the inhabitants of the Kilbehenny.
However, it would be short-sighted to presume that major success of this proposition is the completion of a built object. In our minds, the success of the Small Town Studio depends on cultivating an extraordinary collaboration between the designers and the local community that reveals a vibrant creativity that will inspire future participation.
Small Town Studio - The Team
Tim, Micheal, Sean, Selene, Ger, Eleanor and James
Permanent Stage
Test structures for the demountable stage system
"Chill-Out Zone" for local music festival
Design Process
Local creamery made a fantastic fabrication workshop
Movie night with the "Impromptu Film Club"! (on rear wall of community centre)
Acoustic Panels
Small Town Studio

Small Town Studio

8 week design/build community project in Kilbehenny, Co. Limerick
