Public Service Designs:
This is an LED printed circuit board with the Miranda Warning. The cards are 3.5in by 2in in size with rounded corners. This design is so that people are comfortable holding it in their hand, it will fit well in pockets, and the corners will not catch on anything. The text on the cards is a bolded sans serif font so that it is easier for people to read. The cards also have eighteen side emitting white LEDs along the border that are powered by a CR2032 coin cell battery. It has a shoulder button on the top left corner that can be held down to activate the LEDs around the border. This button was used so that it could be pushed without the officers fingers being in the way of the text.
Miranda Warning Card
The Miranda Warning card is designed to make it easier and safer for police officers when needing to read the Miranda Warning to suspects. It allows officers to read the card while still having a free hand to use if needed. The text for this card is directly from the Miranda Warning cards that Georgia officers use. On the back of the card, there is an American flag to fit the aesthetic of the card and show the symbol that police officers represent. ​​​​​​​
Miranda Warning Card

Miranda Warning Card
