Sophie O'Mullan's profile

ISTD 2024 (PASS) — Joybringer

ISTD — Joybringer Brief
This project was awarded a membership from ISTD.
Tempo is a vibrant response to the ISTD brief Joybringer, delving into the many benefits of integrating music into one’s daily routine. It’s a heartfelt exploration inspired by the hectic schedules of students who often overlook the impact music can have on their lives and mental health. The goal of this publication is to cultivate an appreciation for the influence music has on our mental health as it’s something we often take for granted.

Tempo’s format is based on the size of a 12-inch record sleeve and is divided into two distinct sections, Side A and Side B which follows the chronology of one’s daily routine from morning until night. This intentional division encourages readers to flip the document like a vinyl. The publication includes time stamps highlighted within song lyrics at the start of each section. The position of this moves depending on the time to represent the sun rising and setting. Tempo also contains a vinyl record, enriching not only your music library but also your overall well-being.
Readers encounter a coded content structure akin to an anagram. As readers progress, each section divider unveils the hidden word through tracing paper, symbolising how music seamlessly integrates into specific activities and how it can fill the silence. This device underscores the brain’s ability to decode music into a coherent musical perception.
The metaphor of circles is used throughout to link to the cyclic nature of vinyls and of one’s daily routine. Abstract cut-outs and shapes beckon readers to fill the silence with music, such as a circular cut-out representing an abstract shower head and a washing machine door. These gaps are waiting to be filled with the joy of music.

In order to bring a sense of joy to the publication, inspiration was drawn from the vibrant and experimental design ethos of Blue Note Records, renowned for its bold typography, cut-paper style, and a blue and yellow colour combination.The colour black is also used sparingly in sections in order to show the start of the day when you wake up and when you go to sleep. The use of Franklin Gothic URW and its condensed version, evokes the typographic aesthetics prevalent in 60s vinyls. 
ISTD 2024 (PASS) — Joybringer

ISTD 2024 (PASS) — Joybringer
