Gustavo Leite's profile

Filosovaldo Vol. 1

Filosovaldo Vol.1
Tirinhas com um tom melancólico e emocional. Interprete com moderação.
Comic strips with a melancholic and emotional tone. Interpret it with moderation.
1. Procurado
Sometimes I think about commiting a crime.../ To see if I'll become wanted/ Instead of always being the one who's looking.
2. Só Meu
Mine Only
There's some things only I care about/ And because of that they're mine only...
3. O Universo
The Universe
Today I ain't doing anything/ Nothing at fuck*ng all/ I'm mad at the universe
4. Destino
I had a meeting with destiny
5. Dor em Arte
Pain into Art
I've been transforming my pain into art/ I wouldn't mind not drawing anymore...
Filosovaldo Vol. 1


Filosovaldo Vol. 1
