Keyline Projects

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Client: Dunnhumby | TESCO Ireland | Guinness
Product: BWS Bespoke Display Unit - Christmas 2023

For the Guinness Bespoke Goalpost project, I initially received the artwork based on the client's keyline and sizes. However, the structural team had to redesign the keyline to align with the dimensions of the TESCO Store's BWS Section. My role entailed adapting the original artwork to this updated keyline while ensuring compliance with brand guidelines. Additionally, I modified the door to achieve a 3D effect in the final design, a creative addition not included in the client's original concept.

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Client: Konica Minolta | Musgrave | Heineken
Product: Bespoke Display Unit - Christmas 2023

For Heineken BWS Display project, I received the visual artwork as a single PDF file. I collaborated closely with the Structural Team to analyse the Keyline, ensuring that all components were seamlessly integrated into it. This involved modifying and adjusting sizes to meet the specifications of the Bespoke Display, as well as redesigning the cracker to align it with the 3D visual presentation.

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Client: Innocent Drinks
Product: PR Box - Cut to shape​​​​​​​

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Client: Konica Minolta - Knorr
Product: Rectangular Box
Keyline Projects


Keyline Projects
