JJ Vavra's profile

2021-22 Football Cover Design

2021-22 Harlingen South Football Program
Once a year, I am asked to shoot photos and design a football program cover for a High School in South Texas. Specifically the dance team. My goal is to help the dance team sell football programs in order to earn money for competitions, uniforms, and any other needs that come up during their school year. This is a great opportunity to dancers to earn money and have pride in their school. If I am successful in designing a great cover and some of the advertisements within it, they are able to earn more money.  

This year's design revolved around some key players and an explosion of talent. The did a great job the previous year on some underclassmen and wanted to keep up with the momentum.
Every design comes with inspiration from the beginning. When looking through amazing artwork from other designers something stood out to me, as you can see from the mood board above. It was attention. The focus on the talent that is coming and wanted the viewers to take note of what is coming.
In order to achieve this composite, I had to photograph each person individually on a gray backdrop. I find gray works best as the color does not cast on to the models. It does make it a bit easier to knock out the models when they are on gray as I can create contrast with the lighting. 

Once they are knocked out, I will take the time to edit imperfections and perfect skin. Since this will be a gritty composite, I want to make sure I see detail in the skin.
\With each composite come design elements. I used ember and fire to help give a warm feel to the design. With these design elements comes painting. If I am using fire, I have to think about how that fire would effect the skin, uniforms, and reflections. All of this must be painted on everyone and everything in order to sell the final composite. They have to feel like they are all interacting with their environment. 

In the end, it worked out well and the team ended up selling out of their programs. This was helpful in generating money for their team. 
Ads are another way the dancers can raise money in the program. What you see above is an ad created for one of the dancers. A similar process was done with this design as well. 
2021-22 Football Cover Design

2021-22 Football Cover Design
