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Annie Leibovitz Reflection

Annie Leibovitz is a very interesting character, she's an amazing photographer that pushes the limits in her work. She is mostly known for her portraits of celebrities like; Jimmy Kimmel, john Lennon, Natalie Portman, and Michael Jackson. That is a very small list of the many celebrities that she has photographed but each one is always very different. She is talked about very highly by companies and people that she has worked with and is one of the most notable photographers to this day. her photography style reminds me of the tips we gained from Nessen's video, she tends to get on the same level as the person she is photography and tries to get into their head so she can be one with them. One of the most inspiring things I learned about Leibovitz is her ability to change the types of photos she is capturing, she can go from taking portraits of celebrities to taking photos for companies like ikea to help capture the image of home live. She is a very inspiring photographer that has lots of experience under her belt.
Annie Leibovitz Reflection


Annie Leibovitz Reflection


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