Emran Hydar's profile

Orthodontics Email Compaign

The Project:
This project involved creating a targeted email campaign for a Swiss manufacturer of premium dental recliners. The goal was to reach orthodontists in the USA and highlight how the recliners enhance the patient experience. 

Key Skills Demonstrated: 

Developed compelling email copy that emphasizes patient comfort, Swiss quality, and a unique selling proposition (USP). 

Targeted Marketing: 
Tailored the message to the specific needs and interests of US orthodontists. 

Benefits-Oriented Communication: 
Focused on how the recliners benefit both orthodontists (efficiency, patient satisfaction) and patients (comfort, positive experience). 

The email campaign achieved a 25% open rate, exceeding industry averages for B2B emails. Click-through rates on the website link within the email reached 5%, indicating strong interest from orthodontists in learning more. The client reported receiving multiple inquiries from US orthodontists after launching the campaign.
Orthodontics Email Compaign


Orthodontics Email Compaign
