These photos were taken at MOPA in Balboa and later recreated at my home in Corona, CA. I visited MOPA for a class and had a great time, it was my first time there so I took a lot of time to admire the art and walk around the exhibits. Although there was a ton of beautiful art I took a picture of my favorite five to recreate. I chose these photos because I really enjoy nature and photographing it. While taking my photos I struggled a lot finding the perfect plants so I walked around my front yard and found the perfect two. They are not exactly the same but I tried to frame and edit them similar to the photos at MOPA. The rain droplets were done by me pouring water on my friend's car and quickly snapping a shot. This was my favorite photo to take because getting the timing right became a game for me. The last two are photos of my friend Sam, who didn't mind being my subject. I chose those photos at MOPA because I liked how the subject would stare directly into the camera and wanted to recreate that in my photos. Overall I had a great time visiting MOPA and taking these photos. In the future I want to try and recreate more challenging photos at different art museums. 
MOPA Visit

MOPA Visit


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