Nestled in the serene landscape of San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija, Casa Pastoral stands as a testament to resilience and resourcefulness. Commissioned by the Great Potter IEMELIF Church, this project marks the realization of a cherished vision: a welcoming abode for the pastor and deaconess, intimately connected to the heart of their community. The unique challenge presented by the site demanded innovative solutions. Situated adjacent to the existing church, the land posed formidable obstacles, with its steep slope and susceptibility to high flood levels. Undeterred, our design team embraced these challenges as opportunities for creative ingenuity.
Confronted with budget constraints dictated by the church's collections and donations, our mandate was clear: to craft a dwelling that embodied simplicity without compromising on quality or functionality. With each family comprising four to six members, the design needed to optimize space and utility, fostering a sense of home for both households. Inspired by the traditional "Bahay Kubo," our design ethos centered on sustainability and harmony with nature. Elevated on stilts to circumvent the need for extensive land filling, Casa Pastoral emerges as a symbiotic extension of its environment. Embracing the lush foliage and commanding sunset vistas, the residence boasts a spacious deck, beckoning residents and guests alike to pause, unwind, and draw inspiration from the beauty that surrounds them. Throughout the design process, our unwavering commitment remained to create a haven that prioritized both comfort and safety, all while adhering to the constraints of the budget. 

Every element of Casa Pastoral is meticulously curated to foster a sense of belonging, fostering community and connection at every turn. As Casa Pastoral takes shape, it stands not only as a testament to architectural prowess but as a beacon of hope and resilience within the community. With each sunset witnessed from its inviting deck, it serves as a reminder of the transformative power of design to uplift and inspire.


