Lily Hurlock's profile

Campus Pastiche Poster

Campus Pastiche Poster
Final Poster:
For this project I had to research and chose a historical design movement as well as choosing a club/organization at UNL. I chose Minimalism as my design movement and selected Sustain UNL as my organization/club. In this poster I was able to maintain certain characteristics from Minimalism in my poster as well as creating a poster about Sustain UNL. This poster also showcases three-hierachys of text; a headline, a sub-headline, and a call-to-action. 
Research Analysis:
Final Two Sketches: 
Out of my 20 sketches, I decided to continue with these two ideas, and digitize them on Illustrator.
Two Iterations:
After creating these two iterations, I decided that I wanted to continue with the idea on the right (the leaves) versus the globe (on the right.)
Color Palette/Fonts:
I decided to go with a nice/clean color palette, and a typeface that does not have any serifs to continue with the minimalist style. 
Semi-Final Poster vs. Final Poster:
Differences between Semi-Final and Final Poster: 
- I enlarged the icons and had them go out of the lines of the leaves into the background --> to make it look more like a pattern. 
- I also made the center image (of the leaves) smaller to take up less room so there was more of a balanced composition.
 - I also slightly changed the font to have a thinner stoke.
 - Another minor change, is that I centered the image and I made more space between the words and the border of the poster.
 - I also made sure that the words were properly centered.
Mockups of Final Poster:
Campus Pastiche Poster

Campus Pastiche Poster
