Embarking on a creative collaboration with Minus Eighteen, an avant-garde brand with a penchant for innovation, I undertook the task of animating and editing reels that would serve as a vibrant showcase for their unique brand and products. Through meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful editing, I breathed life into their vision, crafting compelling visual narratives that resonated with their audience and amplified their brand identity. Here's an overview of the project:
Client: Minus Eighteen Minus Eighteen is a trailblazing brand renowned for its fusion of cutting-edge design and timeless elegance. With a commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining conventional norms, Minus Eighteen offers a diverse range of products that inspire creativity and individuality.
Objective: The primary objective of this project was to create dynamic reels that would spotlight Minus Eighteen's products in an engaging and visually captivating manner. From accentuating the sleek lines of their designs to conveying the brand's ethos of bold innovation, the reels aimed to captivate viewers and foster a deeper connection with the Minus Eighteen brand.
Scope of Work: In my role as the animator and editor for this project, I oversaw the entire production process, from conceptualization to final delivery. Collaborating closely with the Minus Eighteen team, I ensured that the reels remained true to their brand identity and messaging, while also pushing creative boundaries to deliver standout visual content.
Approach: Harnessing my expertise in animation and editing, I employed a range of techniques to bring the Minus Eighteen brand to life on screen. This included dynamic transitions, immersive visual effects, and strategic use of audio elements to enhance the overall impact of the reels. Each frame was meticulously crafted to evoke emotion and intrigue, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and amplifying the allure of the Minus Eighteen brand.




Creative Fields