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Align-Pilates 2024 Catalogue

Align-Pilates are manufacturers of high-value Reformer Pilates equipment. Their annual catalogue seeks to showcase a range of Pilates products, with particular emphasis on Reformers, followed by other apparatus, and other Pilates accessories. I designed this catalogue in full to comprehensively break down the features and selling points of each Reformer in a coherent manner, as well as convey a sense of luxury.
Design Requirements
The main purpose of the catalogue is to summarise the advantages of the core range of Pilates apparatus, and the differences between them, and — to a lesser extent — to summarise the range of accessories available. Each piece of equipment is complex, compatible with certain other add-ons, includes certain accessories, and can be bought in different formats. To express this clearly required a consistent structure and hierarchy across product pages, and clear diagrams to label features.
Stakeholders were also keen to dedicate a lot of space to lifestyle imagery, with extensive writing to explain and sell each Reformer. For this I took inspiration from magazine layouts to convey the style and luxury of the brand.
Due to a partnership with another brand, company stakeholders also required a spread designed as an advert for three brands who supply grip socks for use in Pilates. For this I opted to briefly summarise each brand, whilst maintaining a minimal, stylish approach to avoid bombarding the reader — maintaining aspects of the brand guidelines for all brands involved. The large, rhetorical headline grabs the attention of the target demographic (Pilates studio owners who could be upsold grip socks) and the stylish imagery adds to the appeal of the product.
As a global brand, Align-Pilates has distributors all over the world who look to the headquarters for many of their marketing materials — and the catalogue is a key part of their strategies. Feedback from stakeholders in these distribution companies has consistently indicated that the new catalogue has been successful and is a powerful tool in aiding them to sell the products effectively. This is reinforced by the overwhelming success of the brand in 2024, which — in part — can be attributed to the marketing strategy, of which my design work had been a key part.
Align-Pilates 2024 Catalogue


Align-Pilates 2024 Catalogue
