Sharon Arley's profile

Graduation Project

In the first four months of this year 2024, alongside a dynamic team of three colleagues under the constant guidance of an expert mentor in Digital Marketing strategy, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the challenging and stimulating world of advertising. Our project, focused on the Costa Rican brand Jacaranda, known for its commitment to natural and ecological cosmetics, has been an adventure of continuous learning and limitless creativity.
Discover how, alongside my incredible team, we have brought to life innovative digital strategies to boost the growth of Jacaranda Natural Cosmetics. In every image, in every word, you will find the passion and commitment I have dedicated during this time of intense work and learning.
Are you ready to be inspired by the power of responsible digital marketing?
Jacaranda is a Costa Rican brand of natural cosmetics, committed to creating ecological products, focusing on environmentally-friendly and natural solutions. The main motivation behind the creation of Jacaranda was to address the issue of waste generation in households, especially single-use plastic packaging. The company seeks to offer a sustainable alternative by replacing typical plastic packaging to reduce consumption, ensuring that the waste is environmentally friendly. Among its products are lip balms with colored lipsticks, body creams with beetroot, and pouches for kits, all presented sustainably. The primary audience Jacaranda targets is people aged 20 to 35, professionals who are conscious about waste. Although the majority of its buyers are women, the brand offers a wide variety of products also aimed at men.
Regarding the SWOT analysis, we can highlight:
Strengths: The listed strengths suggest that the company or project values environmental sustainability and focuses on products or services that promote health. This can be attractive to environmentally and health-conscious consumers.
Weaknesses: The weaknesses indicate potential problems related to cost efficiency and vulnerability to fluctuations in the availability or price of necessary materials. Improving cost management and diversifying sources may be crucial to mitigate these risks.
Opportunities: The opportunities quadrant signals a favorable market environment for ecological products and an open door for innovation. The company could capitalize on this trend by strengthening innovation and expanding its range of sustainable products.
Threats: The identified threats point out the risks of competing with established large brands and the need to adapt to rapid changes in consumer preferences. Staying agile and attentive to the market can help the company effectively respond to these challenges.
This type of analysis is useful for understanding and planning campaign strategies, considering both internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats).
Precise Focus: By deeply understanding the buyer persona, we were able to direct our marketing efforts in a more precise and effective manner, focusing on channels, messages, and strategies that resonate with the needs and preferences of the audience. This allowed us to personalize messages and advertising content to adapt to specific characteristics and behaviors, thereby increasing relevance and connection with potential customers. By segmenting the audience, we could tailor messages and advertising strategies, thus maximizing the effectiveness of the campaign. In summary, the buyer persona is an invaluable tool in the advertising campaign creation process, as it allowed us to thoroughly understand our target audience, identify opportunities and challenges, and segment effectively to achieve successful results.
The identification of improvements and opportunities helped the project and the brand by driving differentiation, innovation, market expansion, and the construction of solid relationships with customers. This can translate into sustainable growth and a stronger competitive position in the market.
The campaign message creation process was fundamental in effectively conveying the concept of "Hermosamente Natural." Teamwork and brainstorming played a crucial role in this process, as each team member brought their experience and unique perspective. Thanks to the collaboration of all, we were able to identify the brand's strengths in terms of sustainability and naturalness and highlight them in the campaign message.
The concept of "Hermosamente Natural" was achieved through the combination of creative ideas, strategic analysis, and the integration of the brand's values. Each contribution was valuable in refining and polishing the campaign message, ensuring that it resonated with the target audience and effectively communicated the benefits of environmentally friendly products.
In summary, the campaign message creation process was a collaborative effort that allowed us to capture the essence of the brand and convey its commitment to sustainability and naturalness in a compelling and attractive way for consumers.
To maximize our learning and understanding of the topic, we have decided to assign a goal to each member of the team and work together to implement all steps of the strategy. This methodology allowed us not only to acquire theoretical knowledge but also to put into practice each stage of the process, providing us with a more comprehensive and meaningful experience.
By assigning individual goals, each team member could focus on a specific task, develop specialized skills, and uniquely contribute to the success of the project. At the same time, by working collaboratively, we could combine our strengths, share ideas, and solve challenges together, enriching our understanding of the topic and enabling us to achieve optimal results.
This methodology fosters active participation from each member, promotes individual and collective responsibility, and provides us with the opportunity to experience firsthand the different aspects of the process. Through practice, we prepare ourselves to face future challenges with confidence and effectiveness.
In order to increase website traffic by 20% in the next 6 months, QR codes will be implemented on product labels to distribute at relevant fairs and events for the target audience. These QR codes will be linked to a specific Landing page designed to offer a personalized experience to users who scan the codes. By including QR codes on Jacaranda's product labels and distributing them at relevant events, the aim is to provide easy access to additional information about the brand and its environmental values. This tactic will contribute to strengthening the emotional connection with the audience and fostering customer loyalty.
Deploying ads on key digital platforms to drive traffic to the Landing page from the previous tactic will be the next step. As a final step, analysis tools will be used to track conversions and user loyalty from those who reach the page through the QR codes. This will allow us to assess the impact of this strategy on traffic increase and qualified lead generation.
This tactic is crucial for directing qualified traffic to the Landing page, generating qualified leads, and accurately evaluating the impact of the strategy on traffic increase and lead generation. By combining precise ad targeting with detailed conversion analysis, Jacaranda will be able to optimize its digital marketing strategy and increase the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns.
With the aim of increasing the retention rate by 15% in the next 6 months, a purchase incentive strategy will be implemented. Free shipping will be offered on the first purchase and an attractive discount will be provided for the second purchase, incentivizing customers to make repeat purchases. By offering attractive and measurable benefits, Jacaranda can strengthen its relationship with existing customers and encourage repeat purchases, contributing to the long-term growth and stability of the brand.
We will use welcome banners with discounts on web pages, aligned with our Paid Media strategy, to capture visitors' attention and encourage conversion into loyal customers. Through analysis tools, conversions and customer retention from these banners can be monitored, allowing us to evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy in retaining customers and increasing Customer Lifetime Value (LTV). This tactic will be implemented to attract the attention of potential customers when visiting the Jacaranda website. By offering discounts through welcome banners, we aim to incentivize the first purchase and generate interest in the brand's eco-friendly and natural cosmetics products. This strategy will contribute to increasing visitor conversion into customers, thus strengthening customer loyalty.
With the aim of increasing the number of loyal customers through social media by 25% in the next 6 months, a social media campaign will be launched inviting users to share their favorite product from the catalog, tagging the brand. As an incentive, a discount on the next purchase will be offered to users who participate in the campaign. To amplify reach, paid promotion will be utilized, allowing us to reach a wider audience potentially interested in our products. Through the Paid Media campaign, customer loyalty resulting from participation in the campaign can also be measured, providing valuable insights into the impact of this strategy on generating loyal customers through social media.
To reach users who have previously interacted with the brand, encouraging their participation in the loyalty campaign, we will deploy ads that reflect the users, products, or services they viewed on the website. This can remind them of their interest and foster conversion. The implementation of retargeting ads on social media aims to remind potential customers about Jacaranda products they have previously shown interest in. This tactic aims to keep the brand top of mind for consumers, increase repeat purchases, and foster loyalty through continuous exposure to the company's eco-friendly and sustainable products.
Additionally, by placing a tracking pixel on the website to collect visitor data, we can utilize the information gathered through the tracking pixel to create personalized audience segments. By placing a tracking pixel on the website, Jacaranda can gather valuable data about visitor behavior, such as pages visited, time spent on the site, actions taken, among others. This information is crucial for better understanding the audience and their interests, which in turn allows for the improvement of marketing strategies' personalization.
Using the information collected through the tracking pixel, Jacaranda can create personalized audience segments based on visitor behavior and preferences. This allows for the delivery of specific messages to user groups with similar characteristics and behaviors, increasing the relevance of communications and enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns.
Jacaranda will send personalized emails to the user segments identified through retargeting, including special offers, reminders of products they showed interest in, or recommendations based on their previous behavior on the site. By offering relevant and engaging content to each user group, Jacaranda can increase the likelihood of users returning to the site and making a purchase, thus improving the conversion rate.
Retargeting allows Jacaranda to remind users of products they showed interest in, helping to keep the brand top of mind and encourage the completion of a purchase. By sending emails based on users' previous behavior on the site, Jacaranda can increase the effectiveness of its campaigns by targeting users who have already shown interest in the products or services offered.
El cronograma propuesto es crucial para la gestión eficiente del proyecto, ya que establece tiempos precisos para cada una de las tácticas y objetivos planteados. Having a detailed plan allows us to identify potential bottlenecks, allocate resources appropriately, and effectively track project progress.
Furthermore, having precise timings in the schedule facilitates coordination among the different teams involved in executing the tactics, allowing for better synchronization of activities and greater efficiency in execution.
The importance of having precise timings in the schedule lies in avoiding delays in executing actions, better planning of resources, and meeting the established deadlines to achieve project objectives. Additionally, a well-defined schedule contributes to optimizing time and resources, which in turn positively impacts productivity and project success.
This detailed budget reflects a strategic investment in various key aspects for the successful execution of the advertising campaign. Each budget item has been carefully and realistically allocated after consulting experts in each area to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the investment.
For example, allocating funds for advertising on platforms such as Meta Business and Google Ads will allow us to reach a wide and specific audience, thus maximizing the campaign's reach. Creating visually appealing content through influencers and printing promotional material will also help capture the attention of the target audience.
Furthermore, investment in web development services and community management will ensure a strong online presence and constant interaction with users, strengthening the brand image and increasing participation in the campaign.
The budget also includes provisions for contingencies, demonstrating comprehensive and forward-thinking planning to address possible unforeseen additional costs.
In summary, this well-structured and detailed budget provides the necessary resources to carry out an effective and successful advertising campaign, maximizing return on investment and ensuring a significant impact on the target audience.
Key metrics play a fundamental role in the management and evaluation process of any strategy or campaign. Below, the importance of key metrics in this context is detailed:
Performance Measurement: Key metrics allow for the measurement of the performance and impact of the advertising campaign. By monitoring indicators such as web traffic, conversion rate, social media engagement, and session duration, the effectiveness of implemented actions can be assessed and the strategy adjusted accordingly.

Informed Decision Making: Key metrics provide concrete and objective data on the campaign's performance. This enables decision-makers to have precise information to evaluate the strategy's success and make informed decisions regarding adjustments, additional investments, or changes in strategy.

Resource Optimization: By measuring and analyzing key metrics, it is possible to identify which aspects of the campaign are performing well and which require adjustments. This allows for the optimization of resources by focusing on areas that yield better results and minimizing investment in those that are not delivering the expected impact.

Return on Investment (ROI) Evaluation: Key metrics are crucial for evaluating the return on investment of the advertising campaign. By measuring indicators such as conversion rate, customer retention, and session duration, it is possible to calculate the economic impact of the investment and determine if the campaign is generating tangible benefits.

In summary, key metrics are fundamental tools for measuring, evaluating, and optimizing the performance of an advertising campaign, enabling informed decision-making, maximizing return on investment, and achieving marketing objectives effectively.
During the development of the Final Graduation Project for Jacaranda, I have acquired a series of fundamental lessons that have enriched my education in the field of Paid Media. These lessons have not only been relevant to the success of this particular project but have also laid the groundwork for my professional growth in the realm of digital marketing focused on Paid Media.
One of the most significant lessons I've learned is the importance of external and internal analysis in formulating effective strategies. By conducting a thorough analysis of Jacaranda's environment, we were able to identify market trends, assess competition, and discover areas for improvement within the company. This deep understanding of Jacaranda's operating context allowed us to adapt our Paid Media strategies more precisely and effectively.
Another key lesson I've extracted from this project is the necessity of establishing clear and specific objectives. By defining concrete and measurable goals, we were able to guide our actions towards tangible results. Precise audience segmentation and the appropriate selection of advertising platforms were crucial aspects in achieving the established objectives. This lesson has shown me the importance of strategic planning, which is fundamental to the success of any marketing campaign and strategy.
Additionally, I've learned the importance of planning and executing a strategic plan. Establishing a realistic timeline, assigning roles and responsibilities within the team, and having an adequate budget were fundamental aspects for the effective implementation of our strategies. This lesson has demonstrated to me the importance of organization and efficient resource management in the successful execution of Paid Media projects.
In summary, the Final Graduation Project for Jacaranda has been an enriching experience that has provided me with valuable lessons in the field of digital marketing. From the importance of strategic analysis to detailed planning and effective execution, each stage of this project has allowed me to grow professionally and has prepared me to face similar challenges in the future. These lessons learned will undoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for our career in the exciting world of Paid Media.
The Final Graduation Project for Jacaranda has concluded, leaving behind important reflections and learnings that have significantly shaped my journey in the field of Paid Media. These final reflections not only represent the closure of a project but also the beginning of a path of growth and professional development in the realm of digital marketing focused on Paid Media.
First and foremost, it is important to highlight the significance of justification and substantiation at every step of the project. The need to support my decisions with solid data and detailed analysis has become a fundamental lesson. This reflection has demonstrated to me the relevance of coherence and rigor in every undertaken action, ensuring that our strategies are backed by solid foundations.
The effective execution of a strategic plan has been another crucial point of reflection. The allocation of adequate resources, detailed planning, and careful execution have been determining aspects to ensure tangible and measurable results. This reflection has shown me the importance of efficiently implementing the proposed strategies, ensuring that each step is carried out effectively and with a results-oriented approach.
In conclusion, this project has provided me with a profound insight into the importance of justification, understanding objectives and audience, and the effective execution of a strategic plan in the field of Paid Media.
Graduation Project


Graduation Project


Creative Fields