iPhone Zero Carbon Emission

iPhone Zero Carbon Emission / Apple
🏆 Mejor idea en Brother Music Video Awards 2023-2024

Briefing / Create a campaign using music as the main character. 

Song / Pretend - Nat King Cole

Idea / Our farts are made of gases, which one of them is carbon. We all fart, sometimes when we're even not alone, but we still pretend it wasn't ours. Or we see someone pretending. We made the connection between the hypothetical first iPhone with zero carbon emission and our human gases.

Concept / It's carbon neutral, so you don't have to be.

Execution / We created scenarios where people release their gases and simply don't pretend it wasn't them. They just follow their own lives as if nothing had happened. The people around them notice, though. And, of course, every scene was shot on an iPhone.

Creative DirectionCamila Gaspardo, Vitória Modolo, Ona Rovira and Natalia Antelo.

Edition & Layout / Camila Gaspardo and Vitória Modolo.
iPhone Zero Carbon Emission