Project Overview
This project was for my Advance Graphic Design class and the objective of this project was to create a poster for a new zoo exhibit. I was provided with the zoo logo and all the criteria that needed to be on the poster. 
When starting this project I wanted it to have a fantasy feel to it and soon realized that I shouldn’t put anything on the poster that the real exhibit won’t have. So I simplified the design to only have a butterfly which was required for this poster. I painted the butterfly using the mixer brush and using the same short strokes to create more detail for the butterfly. Adding a title to the poster, I wanted it to be unique and relate to the poster so I used a font called “Betterfly” which came with wings on the text. I added an interesting stroke using the colors from the butterfly and added a stroke to the butterfly painting to make it look like it's glowing. I also added a blending mode to the butterfly to make it more bright and vibrant. I added butterfly bullet points so the design so it was cohesive and stayed on theme. 
Butterfly Project


Butterfly Project
