Ahmad Nur's profile

website audit worksheet

Website Audit worksheed
On-Page Optmization

Is the primary keyword in the URL?
Is the URL short and user-friendly (human readable)?
Is the URL Used By A Subdomain?
Does the URL use hyphens and not underscores?
Is the page title optimized?
Is the meta description optimized?
Is the H1 tag optimized?
Are the images optimized?
Is the primary keyword mentioned at least 2-3 times in the page?
Is that page is a Orphan Page?
Does the page include Latent Semantic Index keywords Or Relevant Keywords?
Is the page free of broken links?

Technical Optimization
Is the page indexed?
Does the page have enough crawlable content and is all of if accessible to search engines?
Does the page load fast?
Is the page mobile-friendly/responsive?
Is the page URL free of redirect issues?
Is Google Analytics properly tracking sessions on the page?
Is GTmatrix Score Okay?

Off-Page Optimization
Do the backlinks come from trustworthy sites?
Are the backlinks from contextually relevant sites?
DO Backlinks Have Good DF/NF Ratio?
Is anchor text distribution natural?

UI/UX Optimization
Mobile Responsiveness
Visual Design Assessment
Wesite Load Speed
Content Strategy Review
Site Performance
website audit worksheet

website audit worksheet


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