Raluca Diaconu's profile

Gevos - Where homes begin

Client Overview: Gevos is a dynamic company specializing in home furnishings and decor, catering to individuals who seek quality, affordability, and style. With a vision to revolutionize the home shopping experience, Gevos embarked on a journey to establish itself as a prominent player in the competitive retail market, drawing inspiration from successful brands like Jysk and Ikea.
Challenge: Gevos approached me with a bold vision: to create a brand identity that not only stood out in the crowded marketplace but also resonated with their target audience. They sought to embody innovation, creativity, and a fresh perspective within the home decor industry. Additionally, Gevos emphasized the importance of integrating their chosen colors, electric violet and bright orange, into every aspect of their branding to ensure maximum visibility and impact.
Brand Identity: The centerpiece of Gevos' brand identity is its logo, meticulously crafted to embody the company's spirit. I developed a custom font, heavily modified to evoke a sense of modernity and sophistication while maintaining legibility. The use of electric violet and bright orange in the logo not only ensures brand consistency but also fulfills the client's requirement for a visually striking presence.
Visual Elements: In addition to the logo, I created a visual language that extended across all brand touchpoints. From packaging to promotional materials, I incorporated a mix of vibrant colors, clean lines, and playful patterns to reflect Gevos' commitment to both style and functionality. Every element was carefully curated to create a cohesive brand experience that resonated with the target audience.
Results: The launch of Gevos was met with enthusiasm and excitement, with customers responding positively to the brand's fresh approach and vibrant aesthetic. Within the first year of operation, Gevos saw a significant increase in foot traffic, online engagement, and sales, exceeding initial expectations. The brand's distinctive identity and compelling marketing campaigns helped establish Gevos as a go-to destination for home furnishings and decor.
Conclusion: Through a strategic blend of creativity, innovation, and collaboration, I was able to bring Gevos' vision to life, creating a brand that not only stands out in the competitive retail landscape but also resonates with consumers on a deeper level. As Gevos continues to grow and evolve, I remain committed to supporting their journey and helping them build lasting connections with their audience.
Gevos - Where homes begin


Gevos - Where homes begin

Gevos is a dynamic company specializing in home furnishings and decor, catering to individuals who seek quality, affordability, and style. The c Read More
