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My Photography Assignments

The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition: Rule of Thirds. I took this photo because as I was walking around campus, it was a beautiful bright and sunny day When this tree immediately caught my eye. I don’t know if it was because of how the sun was hitting it or how beautiful and colorful it was, but I immediately knew I wanted to take a picture of it. When taking the actual photo, I made sure my camera had the grid on to make it easier to take the photo. I started to make sure everything was aligned before taking it, and the tree was on the left side between the first two squares. It took me a couple of tries, but after about 4 pictures I finally obtained the perfect shot. I made sure to stand where the light was hitting directly on the tree, and I used an eye-level camera angle. 
The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition of Negative Space. Even though the composition is supposed to be negative space, I still wanted to have some type of background in the picture. When I first saw that background and how unique it looked I immediately wanted to take a picture of it. I placed my subject directly in front of the Space wall and just had him pose naturally. I set my camera on portrait mode to give the image a more professional look and I used an eye-level camera angle. These strategies really made the photo stand out, and I had so much fun taking this picture.
 The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition: Framing. For this image, I used a door window as a frame. I liked how the window had shapes so it gave the picture a bit more texture. When taking a picture of the subject, I used a more elevated camera angle. I wanted this image to display some kind of emotion so that the viewer could sense it through the image. By using a more elevated angle this gave the subject a feeling of less significance. I also played around with the lighting in this picture. I wanted it to be on the darker side so it could provoke a feeling of mysteriousness, this feeling is also added by not showing a complete face. I told the subject to look down, so half of his face is hidden by the hat to create that sense of mystery. 
The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition: Symmetry. When I was looking for locations where to take this image, nothing caught my eye. Nothing seemed symmetrical enough to actually take a picture of until I seen these doors. It might sound a little crazy but these doors inspired me. I liked how one was portraying light through the window because it kinda gave that door a little more significance while still maintaining symmetry. While taking this image I made sure that everything was leveled so it could be as symmetrical as possible. For this image, I also used an eye-level camera angle. The composition technique of symmetry played a very important role in the photo’s impact. This is because nobody would think to look at these doors and take pictures of them but symmetry gives it importance due to the fact that it makes it appealing to look at.
The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition of leading Lines. For this image, I wanted to be something different from my other pictures. When walking through the library I immediately told my subject to stand towards the end of the hallway because I had a vision. I loved how the bookshelves could lead you to the subject without taking their attention away. I thought that this provided a different perspective to the leading lines composition, and the picture came out looking amazing. I used the overhead lighting so it could be directly above the subject, to give him even more importance in the image. The composition technique played an important role in the photo because it gives the viewer a sense of direction on where their eyes should be focused. 
The purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the composition of Balance. This photo was really fun to take because I had to lie down on a table and point my camera upward in order to obtain this photo. While I was taking the photo for negative space, I happened to look up, and the lights just immediately gave me inspiration for balance. This image is balanced because there is the exact number of lights on each side. While capturing this image I made sure the one in the middle was the main focus while the other ones gave the image balance. I also made sure that you can see the light that was cast from the main lighting fixture.
My Photography Assignments

My Photography Assignments


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