Introducing the label design for 'NØMADA DØ ATLÂNTICØ' (Nomad from the Atlantic), a wine collection that embodies a sense of adventure and wanderlust. The front label features a captivating illustration of a majestic 16th-century boat, evoking the spirit of exploration and discovery that characterises the Portuguese history. The choice of the 'IM FEEL ENGLISH' font for the title adds a touch of vintage elegance, further enhancing the historical ambiance.
The subtle but striking blue line at the bottom of the label serves as both a unifying design element and a unique identifier for each collection within the 'NØMADA' series. As this collection embarks on new journeys and adventures, the line changes colour, signifying a fresh chapter in the 'Nomad' story.
This label design seamlessly merges elements of history, elegance, and the promise of discovery, making 'NØMADA DØ ATLÂNTICØ' an enticing choice for wine enthusiasts and collectors alike."
Here are some of the initial designs I proposed:
19/02/2024: Finally printed and ready to be sold!

