Abeisha Jeyavijithan's profile

Linear Equation Solver

Project Write-Up: Linear Equation Solver

Initial project idea:
The inspiration for this project came from my desire to create a tool that could solve systems of linear equations efficiently. I set out to solve the problem of manually solving systems of equations, which can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially for larger systems. This project aimed to provide a convenient solution for solving linear equations programmatically, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.

Tools I used:
For this project, I utilized MATLAB, a powerful numerical computing environment, due to its built-in functions for matrix manipulation and equation solving. MATLAB's capabilities in handling matrices and solving systems of equations made it the ideal tool for implementing this project efficiently.

Challenges I faced:
One challenge I encountered was designing the user interface to prompt users for coefficients and constants in a clear and intuitive manner. I had to ensure that the script properly handled user input errors, such as non-numeric inputs or invalid coefficients, to prevent runtime errors and provide a smooth user experience. Overcoming this challenge required careful validation of user input and implementing robust error-handling mechanisms.

Other Resources:
During the development of this project, I primarily relied on MATLAB's documentation and online forums for reference and troubleshooting. I did not collaborate with anyone on this project, as it was a personal endeavor aimed at enhancing my programming skills.

The primary objective I set out to achieve with this project was to create a functional tool for solving systems of linear equations programmatically. I successfully achieved this goal, as the script accurately solves the provided equations and displays the solutions for the variables \( X \) and \( Y \). 
If I were to expand on this project further, I would consider adding support for solving systems of equations with more than two variables and implementing additional error-checking features to handle a wider range of input scenarios. Additionally, I would explore ways to enhance the user interface to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, possibly by implementing a graphical interface for inputting equations and viewing solutions. Overall, this project served as a valuable learning experience in applying numerical methods to solve mathematical problems computationally.
Linear Equation Solver

Linear Equation Solver


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