The purpose of this project was to design a bathroom for a specific client using AXOR products. In this group project, we had to analyze the client and her needs, understand her routines depending on the day, week, or season, and come up with a bathroom especially designed for her needs. The client was a businesswoman in her 30s who spent a lot of time working. It was important to design a bathroom that would make morning routines as convenient as possible, as well as creating a space where she could relax after a long working week. Overall, we had to design a luxurious bathroom, putting all our effort into creating a special experience for our client.
When examening the routines of the client, it became clear that she used the bathroom mainly for two different purposes. Getting ready for work or to relax. This provided us the oppertunity to devide the zones, giving her compleatly different experiances, depending on what she aimed to do in the bathroom.
The two zones were devited into pleasure and utilities sone. While the pleasure zone was meant for relacation and utilities zone was thought of as a place to be productive.
We created a moodboard with the desiered style of the client. Showing her personal style for the bathroom. It was important that we would use soft and comfortable colors, making her feel welcome and comfortable during her mornings. This softness was also ideal for her pleasure zone where she just wanted to take it easy and have her time for herself.
Our inspiration for the use of color came from a sunset I witnessed. I shared a video of the sunset with my group. What made the sunset so interesting was that when facing one direction, everything was blue and purple, and the color scheme was very cold. When facing the opposite direction, the color scheme was red and orange, filled with warm colors. The experience was completely different depending on which side the video showed the sunset. This became our inspiration since the warm color scheme was ideal for the pleasure zone, and the cooler color palette was perfect for the utilities zone. Since warm colors give a sense of relaxation and cooler colors increase productivity.
We created a moodboard for our materials, focusing on materials that were reflective, with a clean and shiny look. What caught our eye was that the colors on the left side appeared to be purple when reflected with blue light and orange when reflected with red light. It was essential to be aware of how these materials would reflect colors or give the illusion of being filled with color when other colors are present.
Here we came up with different proposals for the layout of the bathroom. It was important to us that everything would be placed in the most convenient way possible.

Utility Zone
The user enters, lights gently illuminate, revealing a space with delightful surprises. Iridescence, lighting, and touches of color create a captivating and welcoming atmosphere.
It includes a toilet discreetly separated by a glass wall for privacy. The sink is positioned in a way that it can be accessed from both the dresser and the toilet, enhancing the functionality of the space.

The chrome finish gives the elements an intense glow and a reflective appearance, allowing the environment's colours to reflect and bounce off each other in space.
We aimed for rounded, harmonizing, curved and straight lines. Aiming for the harmony between softness and hardness. It's important as the bathroom should be cosy and convey softness so that the user feels welcome in the space, while still giving a sophisticated look. The double towel allows for two towels to be placed (one for the face and one for the hands). This is important for maintaining facial hygiene.

This sink is part of a collection of "Pieces Elegant of Universal and Timeless Character." The circular shape of both this piece and the mirror brings unity to the sink area. The metallic finish and height allow for a reflective surface, where shine of colour appear from the tinted elements and lights in space.
Near the shower are two banners to place two towels (one towel for the head and one for the body).

Pleasure Zone
Sliding the door, the user enters a warm atmosphere with charming color changes. The smooth transition reveals a unique area with the bathtub, creating an almost mystical experience.
An opulent retreat with a luxurious bathtub and comfortable seating. It creates an atmosphere of sophisticated relaxation and indulgence.
The area is meant to be warm, comfortable, and enjoyable. Our client enjoys having a glass of wine while taking a bath at the end of a long week. Therefore, we made sure to have a small table placed next to the bathtub. We also added a seating area by the window. We imagined our client sitting by the window, enjoying the view while sipping on a glass of wine while waiting for the bathtub to fill up.
AXOR Bathroom Design


AXOR Bathroom Design
