Karen Qin's profile

Video Collection

Introduction video for Boston based Artaic Innovative Mosaic, a robotic manufacturering mosaic company, on their craft in studio - showing their progressive process of designing and fabricating mosaic projects. Where tech and design collide!
I filmed with a Canon 5D Mark II and editted from start to finish.
A collection of a few things that inspire me and also inspired elements of my BFA Graphic Design Thesis: "Our Thinking Machine"
Daily Imprint was the video piece of my undergraduate BFA thesis called "Our Thinking Machine"

Technology seems to impose unnatural new habits on us that we do not realize, and we become second nature to. Erik Van Ommeren states, “Mobile phones function both as this generation’s Swiss Army Knife and its security blanket. At present, such behavior is considered an exception, a generational idiosyncrasy. In 2020, it will be the norm.”

Is this progression more convenient or does it degrade authenticity? What’s going to be unnatural next?

People are dependent and addicted to their devices and many lose appreaciation for physical interaction with people, ambiance, tangibility, or natural sounds. These senses become less cherished especially in the generation growing up now. What used to be unnatural has now become natural. Human looking robots or swiping and double clicking holograms with our fingers are currently unnatural or fantastical to us, but such actions are becoming natural for the next generation. Understanding that technology has provided us with more opportunities to share more, reconnect with each other and save trees, we also need to appreciate the analog ways of connecting. As a person in the generation who has experienced the transition from an analog world to a more convenient digital world, I have become nostalgic for the analog past. This thesis dissects that progression. While our interactions with one another have increased, memory is lost, language has remolded itself, authenticity has weakened, and dependency has become the comfort zone.
As a collective, we each were given a few lines of T.S Eliot's "On the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."
Through our own personal interpretation, each illustrated 30 second videos expressing the lines which were later compiled together in one collaborative video. This is my portion.

"And I have known the arms already, known them all—
Arms that are braceleted and white and bare
Is it perfume from a dress
That makes me so digress."
I joined ALVB studio, a young creative studio of photography and graphic design, early 2014 as Director of Design. We did a behind the scenes video of Jacbern's new music video "Oro" in Los Angeles, California along with photo art done by our Director of Photography, Cibelle Levi.
Video Collection

Video Collection

Some video projects I've filmed, edited and executed.
