Sports (Netball)
National Juniors Girls Netball Championship'24
Our group of 12 students joined the Islamabad Netball Nationals for under-19 category, starting our six-day trip on January 20th. We played against teams from different colleges all over Pakistan. Going to a new city on our own taught us a lot about teamwork and working together. Every match was a chance to show our sportsmanship and competitive spirit, win or lose. This trip wasn't just about netball; it was about learning and growing together as a team.
PNF Girls Netball Championship'21
Our school team participated in PNF Girls Netball Championship that was held at PSB Coaching Center from 9th to 11th November, 2021 organized by Pakistan Netball Federation (PNF). Our team played against various colleges such as City School PAF Chapter, Karachi Grammar School and Dawood public School and secured 1st position in under-19 category.
7th Students Olympic Games'23
Our team participated in 7th Students Olympic Games held at PSB and organized by Pakistan Student Olympic Association. Among various games, sports and athletics our team participated in Netball under-19 category. We played against Trinity School, Aga Khan Higher Secondary Section and City School and brought the 1st position trophy home. I was also recognized as the "Best Goal Shooter" in under-19 category and received a medal for that.



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