Gareth Bouwmeester's profile

Interactive Magazine Layouts

A selection of interactive features developed for OBJEKT South Africa’s digital transformation. Transitioning from a traditional print format, our digital magazine now offers a feature-rich platform that sets us apart. These innovative interactive layouts enable our clients to showcase their products and services in captivating ways. With engaging elements and clear calls-to-action, we ensure that every page grabs and holds the reader's attention.

(PLEASE NOTE: CTA Button links have been disabled by Behance in these examples, but all other interactive elements are functional)
Timeless Luxury | Picot & Moss
Absa L'Atelier Awards 2022 | Absa
On a bold adventure to new heights | Montblanc Explorer Platinum
Celebrating the Best of South African Pinotage | Absa Pinotage Awards
Interactive Magazine Layouts

Interactive Magazine Layouts
