Kavya Reddy's profile

Figma Journey: Replicating 'Onrise' for UI/UX Learning

Exploring UI Design with Figma: Duplicating Pages from "Onrise"
Embarking on my journey into UI design, I chose to immerse myself in the world of Figma by replicating pages from the app "Onrise." This project marked my initial foray into the realm of UI/UX design, offering a valuable learning experience and a glimpse into the intricacies of app design.​​​​​​​
Design Challenge

Duplicating pages from "Onrise" presented a compelling challenge as I aimed to recreate the app's layout, functionalities, and overall user experience. It required a meticulous approach to understand the nuances of design elements, user interactions, and visual aesthetics.​​​​​​​
Exploration with Figma

Figma served as my gateway to the world of UI design, providing a robust platform for experimentation and creativity. Through hands-on exploration, I delved into Figma's features, mastering essential tools and techniques to translate my design vision into reality.​​​​​​​
Learning and Growth

During the process of replicating pages from "Onrise," I delved deep into the intricacies of typography, meticulously analyzing font choices, spacing, and hierarchy. Through experimentation and research, I gained valuable insights into the principles of typographic design, understanding how subtle adjustments can greatly impact readability and visual coherence.

Furthermore, dissecting the inner workings of the app allowed me to comprehend the rationale behind its design decisions. By scrutinizing each element and interaction, I uncovered the underlying user flows and functionalities, enabling me to make informed decisions in my own designs.

One of the most enlightening aspects of this project was discerning the purpose behind the various features incorporated within the app. Whether it was the inclusion of specific buttons, navigation patterns, or content layout, each element served a distinct function aimed at enhancing the user experience. This realization underscored the importance of thoughtful design decisions rooted in user needs and behavior.

As I iterated on my designs within Figma, I applied these newfound insights, refining my prototypes to align more closely with user expectations and industry standards. This iterative process not only strengthened my proficiency in Figma but also sharpened my ability to translate design principles into tangible solutions.

By immersing myself in this project, I not only expanded my technical skills but also cultivated a deeper understanding of the strategic considerations involved in UI/UX design. Each challenge and breakthrough served as a building block in my journey towards becoming a more proficient and empathetic designer.
Key Takeaways

Duplicating pages from "Onrise" not only honed my technical skills but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of user-centered design. It underscored the importance of empathy, usability, and attention to detail in crafting meaningful digital experiences.​​​​​​​
To conclude, my journey into UI design with Figma and the replication of pages from "Onrise" marked a significant milestone in my design career. It laid the foundation for future projects, inspired by a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in UI/UX design.
Screen shots of Onrise App screens: 
Onrise app screen replication using Figma: 
Figma Journey: Replicating 'Onrise' for UI/UX Learning

Figma Journey: Replicating 'Onrise' for UI/UX Learning



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