Nimisha Drolia's profile

COSMIC @ NUS - Website Design and Development

Design Brief:
To design and develop website for COSMIC a research center at IDMI.
COSMIC is a research center at IDMI which is a collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, National University of Singapore and NTU Singapore. The center needed a website to showcase their research projects and work, people involved, latest publications and other details.
My Role:
I was the Lead Designer for the website. Did the Project scoping, Content Design, Information architecture, Visual design and CMS development for the project. I collaborated with the Center Director, Principal Investigators, Researchers Students and administration for constant feedback, content collection and design and user feedback.
Design Process:
Project strategy: To understand the content, and scope the project. The content for the website was diverse and academic. We designed a template for every project description for consistency. I worked with Project Investigators, and Researchers to collect, filter and design content in the designed format for the website. 
Information Architecture: After understanding and sorting all the content, we worked towards Information Architecture to understand the Sitemap and flow of content. We further sorted and designed visual content to suit the architecture.
Design: We did quick wireframes and some prototypes for the website to analyze the sitemap, flow and visual aspect. Worked on Visual design aspect and prepared visual elements for the site. 
Development: Finally developed the website on Content Management System Joomla, using existing template. 
A responsive website for the center which can be easily updated and maintained by administration. A template to be followed for projects and visual elements so that the site can be updated in same line of concept. 

Link to the website:

COSMIC @ NUS - Website Design and Development

COSMIC @ NUS - Website Design and Development

Website Design with Subject Research, Information architecture, Visual Design and CMS Development
