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呂大爺刈包 品牌設計

呂大爺刈包 品牌設計


We received a commission from Xiamen, where a Taiwanese individual plans to open a Taiwanese-style snack shop, focusing on the signature dish "Gua Bao" (刈包). Initially, the client wanted to create a traditional Taiwanese flavor to showcase authentic Taiwanese cuisine. However, after several discussions, we realized that "Gua Bao" is unfamiliar to mainland Chinese, who associate similar traditional snacks with "Rou Jia Mo" (肉夹馍). The nostalgic style didn't resonate with them, so we suggested a more youthful and novel approach to introduce "Gua Bao" to a wider audience, sparking curiosity and novelty.
Since the client has a distinctive personal image, being bald, which aligns with the rounded shape of "Gua Bao," we proposed creating a unique IP character, hence the birth of "Lü Grandpa" (呂大爺).
The standard font design features a round and full-bodied typeface, echoing the shape of "Gua Bao," which signifies "cutting meat with a bun." The character "呂" was designed with a coin concept, reflecting prosperity and completeness. The overall design embodies a sense of fun and modernity while symbolizing wealth and fulfillment.

呂大爺刈包 品牌設計


呂大爺刈包 品牌設計
