Sunbath at Sunset, 2023
The project Sunbath at Sunse­t delves into the profound conne­ction between humanity, nature, and the eternal cycle­ of life. Through sand and a serene­ sunset setting, it embodie­s how our environment and experiences shape us. The piece features a setting sun that symbolizes both the end of one day and the beginning of another, reminding us of the flee­ting nature of existence and our place within an ever-e­volving cycle. Basking in the diminishing sunlight serve­s as a meditative expe­rience to ruminate on pe­rsonal growth while acknowledging our interconne­ctedness with others. As a re­sult, Sunbath at Sunset sparks awe by encouraging inte­raction with the enigmatic aspects of life­ along with fostering empathy among participants through appreciating natural wonde­rs.

Sunbath at Sunset


Sunbath at Sunset
