Bob Dylan
This project was about design a vinyl cover for a song of the legendary Bob Dylan.
For this task, we were given a fragment of his song: Masters of War (Freewheeling, 1963).

This was the fragment in question:

Come you masters of war 
You that build the big guns 
You that build the death planes 
You that build all the bombs 
You that hide behind walls 
You that hide behind desks 
I just want you to know 
I can see through your masks.
In this fragment, Dylan is talking about corruption and these manipulative leaders that are supporting wars (Cold War in his context) in secret with their decisions, making their own people suffer. Taking in consideration this approach and Dylan's strong opinions, I decided to create the following concept: unmasked liars. Trying to reflect that, without this masks Dylan claims the politicians have, their true nature is exposed: they are liars. 
For expressing this concept and idea, I used the typography as an element that gives character and meaning to the phrase. The MASKED leaders are being break by the people, and they are destructing this masks that protect them and their lies. 
Also, the part of UN and LIARS, where in a different typography: one that could be expressing this claim and transgression of the people, tired of this toxic covered power.
Bob Dylan Vinyl

Bob Dylan Vinyl
