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Submit A Guest Posting Service

Complete Guidelines To Submit Guest Posts

What Is a Guest Post?
A guest post is when an Author creates content for someone else’s blog under their name. Writing guest blogs is a simple approach to obtaining a lot of exposure in a short amount of time. RSS feeds are used by popular blogs, which means that each post is actively distributed to a massive number of individuals. You want to be sure you’re sending the appropriate message with so many eyes on your words. 

Always keep that in mind when searching for guest posting opportunities. Bloggers are more likely to give control of their blogs if you can show that your needs, their needs, and the needs of their audience are all in sync.

We produce papers ranging from 1200 to 2,500 words, depending on the subject difficulty. 1,500 words is approximately average. Articles frequently include a bespoke illustration. Articles may be easy going in tone and content great for less-intensive tutorials and posts or strictly planned and edited. All should be well-thought-out investigations of current and cutting-edge topics in the health business.

What Are the Requirements to Write for Us?

Content should be 100% unique & fresh without any grammatical & spelling mistakes.
The minimal length of the article should be more than 1200 words.
Use proper Headings, Subheadings, and bullet points, and ensure the readability score is not less than 40%.

The article should have at least one feature image (You can share more pictures according to the blog points). These should be unique.

Do proper keyword research before writing content and use long-tail keywords.
You may include only one link to your website. And links to internal posts and high-authority sites like Wikipedia.
We do not accept content related to adults, casinos, gambling, CBD, dating, or any other illegal niches.
If you write a topic on healthcare tips, it will be very good and rank quickly. Our website is also approved on Google News.

Tips for Guest Posting Success

1. Write for Their Audience:

Find out the blogger’s target audience and write to them directly. Every successful book addresses its readers’ difficulties, problems, and needs.
Every successful blog post is the same way. You’re not scribbling in the ether. If you were, you’d be better off keeping a diary.

2. Align with Their Brand:
Guest posts that link the Author’s and blogger’s brands are the best. Put it another way. Your material should assist them in spreading their message. Consider the context when writing guest blog posts. What’s the most significant way to present yourself on that particular website?

You need to know who your target is, what your message is, and what you have the expertise to build the strongest brand possible all of the things that went into your outreach message.

3. Align with Their Blog Format:
Any guest article you write for the blog should follow the site’s standard format. Your goal as a guest poster is to satisfy everyone’s needs: yours, the blogger’s, and the audience’s.
That means you should listen carefully when a blogger expert in their field advises you on what you should and shouldn’t do.

4. Provide Actionable Content:
The more useful information your readers can get from your piece, the more likely they will remember you. You’ll be top of mind whenever they utilise your techniques to get a new client, compose an effective email, or whatever else you’re teaching them.

If you can provide them with a tangible reminder of how your expertise can impact their lives, they’ll be much more willing to seek and follow you.

5. Include a Killer Byline:
You only have one chance to tell folks what you’re all about and to give them a call to action (CTA), so make the most of it. Spend some time thinking about a catchy byline.

There are two parts to your byline:
The most interesting fact about yourself
Readers can learn more by going to the following link.

6. Consider a Landing Page:
Instead of sending visitors to your homepage, lead them to a landing page that contains a specific offer. You can immediately supply them with more value and move them into your sales funnel.

The more value you can give your readers, the more likely they will stick with you. Your guest post should function as an aperitif, and whatever you offer after that should leave diners wanting more.

7. Include Internal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Links:
If you can assist bloggers in improving their SEO, they will adore you even more. Internal links to existing material on the site are one way to accomplish this.

Internal links connect the site’s content and give search engines a sense of the site’s structure. This helps to construct a hierarchy by increasing the link value of the most significant posts.

8. Provide all of the images that the blogger needs:
When bloggers agree to guest blog for you, don’t make them do any more work. Provide them with a pre-made post that includes everything they require.

Images are included in this. No low-quality screenshots, off-kilter iPhone snaps, or fuzzy, low-resolution photographs should be included in your submission.

If you have any queries regarding guest posts, brand mentions, or product/app reviews, let us know at  support@kayawell.com
Submit A Guest Posting Service