
Februllage is an annual challenge that involves the daily creation of collages, following an official list of prompts. The collages can be either digital or analog. I made analog collages and animated videos about them.
Day 1 · Bubble
Day 2 · Postcard
Day 3 · Escape
Day 4 · Warthm
Day 5 · Encounter
Day 6 · Treasure
Day 7 · Popcorn
Day 8 · Ladder
Day 9 · Wrong way
Day 10 · Tangle
Day 11 · Toxic
Day 12 · Remember
Day 13 · Wolf
Day 14 · Dream
Day 15 · Play
Day 16 · Sculpture
Day 17 · Cardboard
Day 18 · Fake
Day 19 · Shadow
Day 20 · Mythical
Day 21 · River
Day 22 · Crowd
Day 23 · Capitalism
Day 24 · Song
Day 25 · Spill
Day 26 · Favourite
Day 27 · Plaster
Day 28 · Curtain
Day 29 · Extra
Februllage 24


Februllage 24
