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Indraprastha through the AI Lens

"Draupadi dreamed of the palace of lac, burnished like wings. Gods and goddesses were carved into its sills to lull its inhabitants into a belief of safety"
"floors looking like rivers, waterfalls looking like walls. Doorsteps all glittery like melted ice"
"The palace that Maya built consisted of columns of gold, and occupied, an area of five thousand cubits."
"Beholding that tank thus adorned all around with jewels and precious stones, many kings that came there mistook it for land and fell into it with eyes open."
"Within that palace Maya placed a peerless tank, and in that tank were lotuses with leaves of dark-coloured gems and stalks of bright jewels, and other flowers also of golden leaves. Aquatic fowls of various species sported on its bosom.Itself variegated with full-blown lotuses and stocked with fishes and tortoises of golden hue, its bottom was without mud and its water transparent."
"There were corridors lighted only by the glow of gems, and assembly halls so filled with flowering trees that even after hours at council one felt as though one had been relaxing in a garden. Almost every room had a pool with scented water."
"a stream wending its way through the palace, with lotuses blooming all year,"
"he laid a patina of magic so things shifted strangely, making the palace new each day even for us who lived there."
"The palace, possessing an exceedingly beautiful form, like unto that of Agni or Surya, or Soma, shone in great splendour, and by its brilliance seemed to darken even the bright rays of the sun."
"Like unto a mass of new clouds conspicuous in the sky, the palace rose up coming into view of all. Indeed, the palace that the dexterous Maya built was so wide, delightful, and refreshing, and composed of such excellent materials, and furnished with such golden walls and archways, and adorned with so many varied pictures, and was withal so rich and well-built"
"The palace was famous for its grandeur and illusions. The floor of the palace was built with illusions and walls encrusted with precious stones"
"Many tall trees of various kinds were planted all around the palace. Of green foliage and cool shade, and ever blossoming, they were all very charming to behold. Artificial woods were laid around, always emitting a delicious fragrance"
Narratives of the utopian city 'Indraprastha', the grand palatial dwelling of Panchali and the Pandavas are taken as the generators of creating these spell-bounding generative AI illustrations. These illustrations were a part of an Installation at the Indian Art, Architecture and Design Biennale at the Red Fort, Delhi. They are created in collaboration with Deeksha Somaiya and Freny Khatri 
Indraprastha through the AI Lens


Indraprastha through the AI Lens
