Pinky Lo's profile

無制限探險隊 The Finite Adventure Crew

The Finite Adventure Crew
【黃金畫面】意指影視作品中觀眾看畢後會產生強烈情緒如讚嘆、感動,興奮等感受的畫面。很多製作人窮其一生都在追尋和捕捉這些畫面。無制限探險隊的主幹成員為香港某電視台的基層員工,當中由導演、撰稿、攝影師、廚師、醫生、動物專家和香港搞笑藝人組合(未出道) 程人富和Marco@P1X3L ⋯⋯ 等人組成,此團隊三尖八角但目標一致,就是要全力以赴在非洲這片充滿野性的土地上狩獵足以衝擊甚至乎打破香港電視史的黃.金.畫.面!

"Golden Moments" refers to the scenes in film and television productions that evoke strong emotions such as admiration, touched feelings, excitement, and so on in the audience. Many filmmakers spend their entire lives pursuing and capturing these moments. The core members of the Unlimited Adventure Team are grassroots employees of a Hong Kong television station, including a director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, chef, doctor, animal expert, and a Hong Kong comedian duo (not yet debuted), Cheng Renfu and Marco@P1X3L, among others. This team is diverse but united in their goal to give their all and hunt for the ultimate "Golden Moments" in the wild lands of Africa, aiming to create scenes that will have a significant impact and potentially even break records in Hong Kong television history.
【黃金畫面】 南露脊鯨
"Golden Moments"  Southern Right whale
無制限探險隊 The Finite Adventure Crew


無制限探險隊 The Finite Adventure Crew
