Adobe Generative Fill
Photo Editing Software - Generative Fill

For this assignment, I was required to utilize Adobe Photoshop's built-in Generative Fill feature to craft a scene on a mostly empty backdrop, compiling at least 7 new elements into the frame. The goal here was to teach me the basics of prompting Adobe Generative Fill and selecting a properly shaped area to get a good batch of resources. 
Behind the Scenes
Step 1: Select a section of the canvas/image with a selection (I chose lasso) tool, in the shape of whatever you want to generate.

Step 2: Click on Generative Fill. Type whatever you want to appear there (note the layer names), and hit enter. To the right, delete the other two (or more) options you don't want.
Key Objectives/Features
Importing images into Photoshop
Layer naming and management
Selection (lasso) tool
Generative Fill function

The space image was sourced through Unsplash, by Viktor Forgacs. The space elements (astronauts, debris, spaceships, planets, asteroids, and creatures) were sourced through Adobe Generative Fill. Styling/arranging/editing of the files and resources was done by me, Zack Shelby.
Generative Fill

Generative Fill


Creative Fields