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Ethereal Knot by Ritayan rath

Ethereal Knot is a 3D space that defies traditional notions of geometry and structure. At first glance, it appears to be a chaotic jumble of lines, spheres, and scribbles, but upon closer inspection, its intricate patterns and interwoven pathways reveal themselves.

The lines in Ethereal Knot are not flat and two-dimensional, but rather three-dimensional, with thickness and depth. These lines twist and turn in a seemingly random fashion, yet they all connect to form a continuous loop, creating an endless maze of possibilities.

Spheres of varying sizes dot the landscape of Ethereal Knot, hovering and rotating in mid-air. They are interconnected by thin, thread-like strands that crisscross the space in a complex web of connections. Walking on these strands is a surreal experience, as they seem to shift and change beneath your feet, creating an ever-shifting terrain.

The scribbles in Ethereal Knot are perhaps the most intriguing element of the space. They appear to be three-dimensional doodles, with lines and shapes intertwining and overlapping in an endless dance. Walking on these scribbles is like navigating a labyrinth of abstract art, with each step revealing new patterns and configurations.

To check out the space, please copy/paste the following link on your browser:
Despite its apparent chaos, Ethereal Knot is a space of beauty and wonder, where the laws of physics and geometry seem to bend and warp in unexpected ways. It is a place where the boundaries between the physical and the imaginary are blurred, and where the journey is as important as the destination.
Ethereal Knot by Ritayan rath


Ethereal Knot by Ritayan rath
