It's been a good while since I last drew Penn and Kevin together, and I missed them! For those who may not know/or forgot, they were my first "official" OCs that I made back in early 2016 during my 3rd year in college! Their story canon takes place in an alternative-futuristic (i.e cassette futurism) year 1988, and it's a fish out of water story where the two become close friends and eventually start dating.

Quick story recap aside, I just really missed drawing them and I'm glad I got around to it again! I've been spending so much time working with my other OCs, but these two will always hold a very specific and special spot in my heart. It's so hard to believe that I made them so long ago! Never forget where you started y'all! :]

(Artwork + Characters shown © Allison Gajewski - 2024)

Penn and Kevin!