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BYU-I Book Concept Art

Conceptual Book Cover Designs
I created three different concept art book covers for the book "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. This is a graphic design class through BYU-I. The object is to learn how to create art for a book that is not necessarily actual items in the book. To be more figurative in what is created. The three books were created with different objectives in mind. One had to be just typography, one handmade, and the last being the designer's choice. 
Typography Concept Art
For my typography cover I wanted it to be simple but have a lot of feeling coming from it. The background is a simple white which is not what you think of when you read this book. The white more represents the dream that George and Lenny have. It's unreachable but still a nice thing to think about. The lettering was drawn and given an effect that looks like tears dripping. That is represented in the dream really not happening. George knows all too well that it won't happen by the end of the book and the turmoil that comes from his ultimate decision.
Handmade Concept Art
This cover art was done by cutting a bunch of bunnies out of paper and taped onto another piece of paper. The idea is of when Lenny and George talk about their dream to own their own farm. Lenny always adds that he wants lots of bunnies. This is represented in that major dream. It's not done in vivid colors partly because of the time and situation of the book. They were surrounded with dust and the dream was not a reality. The amount of the bunnies also represents the obsession that Lenny has of soft things. He always wants to hold them and pet them. It seems to be on his mind a lot. 
Designer's Choice Concept Art
I was thinking about Lenny and George and their personalities but also the conflicts that each face. On one hand, George is the caretaker and "big brother" (even though he's smaller). He has the personally appointed job to take care of Lenny. He makes sure Lenny is behaving and being careful in all he does. The messiness that comes from his job is like a tangled web. It never ends. For Lenny, he is like a child. He is big and doesn't know his own strength. When he latches onto something soft and gets frustrated, he can't let go, and gets in to trouble each time. His tangled web comes from not understanding his strength and the reactions of others which makes him confused. 
BYU-I Book Concept Art

BYU-I Book Concept Art
