Chin-Ho Kwong's profile

FLY! Maid Zombie (One Month Challenge)

This was a personal project mainly for learning about the newer Unity features since version 3.5.
The goal was to see how far I could get with a 2D bullet hell game using the new Sprite features and Animator system.
It was also a project in which I had the good excuse of getting back to drawing and practicing on 2D HD Sprites.
Example of a Sprite Illustration Sheet with future in-game assets (multiple layers stacked up in the same file)
First attempt on 2D Sprite Buildings for the game's background (previously worked with 3D or illustrations only)
Some tests at the early stage of the production (different appearances of the player figure depending on the power-ups it has picked up)
The development is currently on hold, since 1 month has already passed since the start of it.  The prototype consists of a looping test stage with 6 different normal enemies, 3 different types of power-ups (all 3 can be powered-up 6 times), 1 supporter (temporary power-up), Life bar, Energy bar, 6 kind of pick-ups, 1 Stage Boss.
Production Time for current version: 13.7.2014 - 13.8.2014, for PC and Mac.
FLY! Maid Zombie (One Month Challenge)

FLY! Maid Zombie (One Month Challenge)

1 Month Challenge with the intend of freshening up skills in 2D animation, Scripting (C#) and work flow
