Smart moxa stick
According to the data report, post-80s and post-90s white-collar workers have become the worst affected areas of sub-health, with the proportion of people in sub-health as high as 82.8%.The Chinese moxibustion treatment has recently been welcomed by the elderly and the young.

However, although the price of traditional moxibustion treatment products is close to the people, the treatment method is not well integrated into the lifestyle of the existing young generation. The smart products are generally more expensive, according to the target population's awareness and demand for moxibustion therapy, will not pay a high price.

We have retained the original appearance and operation mode of the traditional moxibustion strip, and improved it into a new intelligent moxibustion strip that does not need to burn, and is smokeless and fire-free.
Retain the traditional mode of operation to make consumers better accept and operate; Smokeless and fire-free design allows it to be used in public places without affecting people, and moxibustion can be carried out quickly.

RK Design™
Languages:English / Chinese / Japanese


