Day 1: Starting of this project i went to take my first image to start off with photography, as i was getting the camera ready on my phone i accidently pressed the capture button and this is what was produced. This image has an interesting texture/ shape that was created from the flash trying to capture something while my hand was over the camera, the lightening of the surrounding giving this image a light hue of blue. 
Day 2: I got some really nice peach ice tea and i thought that i would take a photo in order to remember the delicious tea. This is a really nice photo as the object is the main focus and the background is out of focus, the blurry skyline in the background adding a good contrast and balance to the cup of ice tea. 
Day 3: the first tutorial was very interesting as we got straight into the drawing of objects. This is a composition of me drawing all of the objects, but Becky asked us to add a different technique, focusing on a different aspect of the object or having the object not in the deadest centre. 
Day 4: Going along with the theme of illustration i decided to try and draw this picture that me and my best friend took. I haven’t really tried to do any illustration before, as it didn’t really turn out as well as i hoped. There are a few similarities between the two images, with my main focus trying to draw the facial features and the hair. 
Day 5: While i was playing pool with my family i noticed that the pool balls were arranged in a different/ interesting arrangement. With the balls creating an interesting shadow on the pool table felt. i also really like this photo as the number 13 is one that has the most focus and the number 13 is my favourite number. 
Day 6:  When i woke up this morning i decided to have a glass of orange juice. i decided to experiment with the different angles to take the photo from a bird’s eye view. This photo is an interesting photo as the contrast of the orange and blue, complimentary colours add balance to the photo, and the angle providing an interesting deception of size for the orange juice. 
Day 7:  this is a photo of the light in my study room. The glow around the light is an interesting effect, with a light effect adding a surrounding grey circle adding to the composition of the image. Even though this whole composition is very similar tones, the light becomes the focal point, as it is a brighter hue of the white and grey tones. 
Day 8: this photo is an inspired by the weeks tutorial, so i took a photo of the main object of the photo off centre, adding more space to the right of the object rather than even space either side of the object. 
Day 9: This was such a beautiful and i looked up at the sky and it was pitch blue, this colour was such a rich blue, i wanted to capture the pure essence of a clear blue sky. 
Day 10: during this tutorial we sketched different emotions, through drawing different turtles. one plain turtle, the second a happy turtle and the third a fast moving turtle. 
Day 11: this is a image of me experimenting with different drawing media, such as water colours. I decided to experiment with the blending the different colours with the base colour blue. I really like working with water colours and how you can blend all different colours together. 
Day 12: this is a experiment with a fine point pen and creating a image with repetitive patterns. the colour of this is simple black and white colour scheme with the different shapes and sizes of the different patterns adding to the composition. 
Day 13: i used acrylic paint to create a nice toned flower with gradient leaves to tie in with the effect of a flower. this photo is well balanced with the different tones in both elements of the flower.
Day 14: My main influence for this image was creating a pattern, i originally just drew a heart and then drew different lines to fill up the middle of the heart, and i decided to then paint over the lines with black paint to add a deeper and bold effect of the pattern.
Day 15: This is a image of be experimenting with sponges, stencil and paint. i used a sponge with different colour paint to sponge over a stencil to create this triple decca stencil image. 
Day 16: i decided to experiment with a few of the primary colours: blue, white, yellow and red. I mixed all these colours together to create a image with so many different array of tones and colour mixed all together. 
Day 17: During todays tutorial Becky told us about positioning the horizon at different positions of the image, this the horizon is positioned 2/3 of the image. 
Day 18: i went for a walk around the city and decided to take a picture of the buildings. In this image there is a bit of foliage on the top left hand side of the image and then the right hand side, which balances outs the image. This building also has a really cool effect of reflecting the surrounding environment. 
Day 19: As i was about to go to school when i looked outside my door, there was such a cool type of filter that door had when looking through to the outside. 
Day 20: On this day i went on a road trip with my friends up a mountain and this was the view that i had outside the side of the window, i was also experimenting with the horizon. 
Day 21: As i was sitting out on the river i look to the right of me and the contrast of the wood, the rock and to the background of the sky and the trees.
Day 22: This is an experiment of using sponges with paint to create a mixture of colours, the base colours of this composition is blue, red, yellow and white. The sponge adds a interesting texture look on top of the white paper.
Day 23: This was a really interesting angle of a particular garden bed at a cafe i was at. The contrast of the bright green leaves and the old wooden texture was a interesting balance of textures and colours. 
Day 24: During this weeks tutorial we were to create a comic strip that showed something that had happened to use during the week. i decided to draw the heartbreak of burning your toast. 
Day 25: This is a section of the comic stip, to which i deicded to fill in using illustrator. 
Day 26:  I tried to do my own different styles of typography. The Sea typography was done with ink, and the typography of my name is down with paint and a fine point brush.
Day 27: This was an experiment i made on photoshop, playing around with the different colours, the different brush sizes and the opacity of each stroke. 
Day 28:This Leaf has such interesting detail, the mixture of the deep greens and the yellow/lime green was really interesting to me.
Day 29: I had just finished watering the plants outside and i loved the looked of the water droplets on the plant. 
Day 30: While in the park i took a photo of the water fountain, i looked how the main focus was on the water and the background was out of focus. 
Day 31: during this weeks tutorial we focused on different textures in our environment. This was a interesting texture that i found outside our tutorial building. 
Day 32: This was a leaf/branch that i found outside my house. This was a interesting contrast between the brown. wooden texture of the leaf and the rock texture. 
Day 33: this was taken on the playground on my way to uni, the gravel hear looks so crystal like, and such a nice array of blue tones, and then contrasted with the yellow lines of the basketball court, the cracks of the line adding to the composition. 
Day 34: This is a collection of different coloured rocks, the combination of different coloured rocks and different sizes creates a interesting texture. 
Day 35: This was a wood texture i found around uni. 
Day 37: This is texture i found on a wall, a different method was used to place the clay/cement on this wall
Day 38: During this weeks tutorial using different modes of the camera, i learned how to how one focal point of the image the rope in this case and the have the background unfocused. 
Day 39: Another texture that has really good balance and symmetry, an interesting pattern that we all walk over every day but never really took any notice.  
Day 40: Used the strategy that i learnt in this week tutorial, but instead having the background the main focus and the front object out of focus.  
Day 41: This was taken on the top of my car, i notice that the light from the garage, provided a interesting reflector on the car and the rain drops. 
Day 42: This is another interesting texture is the mixture of rocks, leaves and other objects, the mixture of natures and manmade objects. The natural texture. 
Day 43: I was sitting in D block at uni and i look at the chair i was sitting on i realised how rough and felt like this texture was like and how common texture is in our surrounding environment.  
Day 44: This was taken while in my car, i like the contrast on the clouds and the sky blue and with the sunlight. 
Day 45: This was taken during the tutorial experimenting with different lighting. 
Day 46: What we learnt in the tutorial was about different angles of lighting, how it can affect the composition. I tried the experiment of the light source being directly in the shot. 
Day 47: I experimented with the light source being to the top right of the image, create a interesting shadow and lighting on the bush. 
Day 48:I used the natural sunlight at a 45 degree angle to create a interesting shadow with the light pole. 
Day 49: This is a photo of my garage, i like how the light reflected on the garage door and reflected on the driveway. 
Day 50: This is a light that is outside my house. This light give a really cool glow to the surrounding environment. 
Day 51: This is my study area outside, i notice that the light on this area was a different angle of light creating a half shadow on the environment.
Day 54:This is in the gardens just outside QUT i found this beautiful waterfall and river. the lighting and colour contrast was so beautiful i really wanted to go for a swim.
Day 55: This is a array of candles to play with different lights and different sizes of candles, with the main focus being the light from the candles.
Day 56: My favourite animal is the owl and when i saw these three owls i just had to take a photo, and the fairy lights was something that i thought was really interesting, and the different styles of owls. 
Day 57: I found this grate really intriguing, the different shadows and the light reflecting on the grate, and the rocks adding to the composition. 
Day 58: This such a comfortable couch, when taking a look closer i realised this couch has a interesting crease/ crack pattern with interesting shades created from the light. 
Day 59: This was a interesting aspect, its a bird eyes view of the plant at uni with the main leaf being unfocused and the foreground being the main focus, the techniques i learnt a few tutorials ago. 
Day 60: This is a photo of the outside table of my house. I thought this was a really rustic texture and i also used the technique of have the background unfocused. 
Day 61: This was a collection of photos taken with me experimenting with different angles of lighting. 
Day 62: I thought that i might experiment with bath salts creating typography and other different compositions. 
Day 63: I used colour pencils to create different type of textures, this texture was created from my tracing over my computers texture. 
Day 64: This is me experimenting with photoshop and playing around with my editing skills. 
One Image Per Day

One Image Per Day

Taking/ Creating a Image per day


Creative Fields